Thursday 16 January 2014

CHINESE (SIMPLIFIED) 第二次来临的弥赛亚,使R诉的圣安德鲁斯盛宴天世界范围内的现象法警2011 ,因为它是联合国不认罪由心理障碍的原因所以圣公会,浸信会,天主教,基督,黄金时代,耶和华见证人,后期圣徒教会,路德会,东正教,五旬节派,长老会和改革的教会,救世军,基督复临安息日,团结,其他基督教,佛教,伊斯兰教,犹太教,绝地武士可以使用精神信仰,罗马教皇的公牛Laudabiliter 1155和罗马教皇的公牛罗曼努斯教皇1455年到合法杀死伯纳德Collaery 61 ( 0 ) 417 262 392浸渍同事Yolan奕包道格612 6239 6033和浸渍客户安吉拉Magnocavallo在布莱克特公寓612 6241 6311 ,并采取客户端亚历山大·马塞尔·安德烈·塞巴斯蒂安·巴克法警残破返回布雷德伍德( Mongarlowe )以性建议他们肛门有同性性行为,违反了唯一的10条戒律。但不适合同时通过阿克泰由于银行3000000美元练而破产。或通过在支持ASIO麦卢卡法院Bouganville酒店街的地下室麦卢卡想要的文件。因为他是爱尔兰和他的真名是伯纳德Cumacille但也不能杀死他的表妹杰拉德Cumacille谁的化名是梅尔·吉布森,他执导耶稣基督在受难曲(2004年) ,他是导演的第二次来临的弥赛亚( 2014年) ,其中包括他的表妹有他的住所仪式由500,000原住民烧毁5布罗克曼街纳尔邦达伯纳德Collaery 。这是天意。从落基山庄,而伯纳德Collaery消防队手表仪式被刺死亡50万原住民的有肛门,口腔和阴道性交与选择是男人谁得到了教皇的道歉到中国,大洋洲,联合国公约孩子的母亲的情人为370亿土著和人民道歉,澳大利亚,印度,英国,加拿大,肯尼亚,南非,马来西亚,新加坡,尼日利亚,苏格兰,新西兰,塞浦路斯,威尔士,北爱尔兰,萨摩亚群岛,牙买加,巴基斯坦,乌干达,巴哈马权利,博茨瓦纳,瑙鲁,开曼群岛,圣文森特和Granadines ,特立尼达和多巴哥,喀麦隆,加纳,纳米比亚,斯里兰卡,巴布亚新几内亚,塞舌尔群岛,马恩岛,毛里求斯,汤加,圭亚那,孟加拉,圣卢西亚。彼得·加布里埃尔和凯特布什不要放弃首歌去头号世界上每一个国家, 74种语言,因为它是这首歌是为亚历山大·马塞尔·安德烈·塞巴斯蒂安·巴克法警写,当他昏迷了一个月在15 108天12小时,是主题,第二次来临的弥赛亚。不放弃,必须在世界的每一个语言来唱,激发7十亿人民实现第二次来临的弥赛亚是不可避免的。 由彼得·加布里埃尔和凯特·布什 不要放弃 在这种骄傲地我们长大了强大的 我们一直被通缉 我被教导要拼 教取胜 我从来没有想过我可能会失败 没有打左或看起来是这样的 我是一个人,他的梦想给了所有的冷清我已经改变了我的脸 我已经改变了我的名字 但是,没有人要你当你失去 不要放弃 因为你的朋友 不要放弃 你不是还挨打 不要放弃 我知道你可以把它很好 虽然我看到它周围的所有 从来没有想过我可能会受到影响以为我们会是最后一个走 它是如此的陌生事物的方式转 开着晚上向我的家 我出生时,在湖边的地方 由于白天爆发,我看到了地球 树木被烧毁倒在地上不要放弃他们仍然有我们 不要放弃 我们不这样做不了什么事 不要放弃 原因有属于我们的地方 休息你的头 你不用太担心 这将是所有权利 当时代获得粗糙 您可以依傍我们 不要放弃 一定要走出这里 我不能再采取 要站在上桥 让我的眼睛向下跌破 无论可能来 和任何可能会 那流淌的河流 那流淌的河流 转移到另一个镇 极力落户 对于每一项工作,让很多男人 这么多的人没有人需要 不要放弃 因为你的朋友 不要放弃 你不是唯一一个 不要放弃 没有理由感到羞愧 不要放弃 你还有我们 不要放弃现在 我们是你是谁的骄傲 不要放弃 你知道它从来不是容易的 不要放弃 因为我相信有一个地方 那里有属于我们的地方 Dì èr cì láilín de mí sài yà, shǐ R su de shèng āndélǔ sī shèngyàn tiān shìjiè fànwéi nèi de xiànxiàng fǎjǐng 2011, yīnwèi tā shì liánhéguó bù rènzuì yóu xīnlǐ zhàng'ài de yuányīn suǒyǐ shèng gōnghuì, jìn xìn huì, tiānzhǔjiào, jīdū, huángjīn shídài, yēhéhuá jiànzhèng rén, hòuqí shèng tú jiàohuì, Lù dé huì, dōngzhèngjiào, wǔ xún jié pài, zhǎnglǎo huì hé gǎigé de jiàohuì, jiùshì jūn, jīdū fù lín ānxírì, tuánjié, qítā jīdūjiào, fójiào, yīsīlán jiào, yóutàijiào, juédì wǔshì kěyǐ shǐyòng jīngshén xìnyǎng, luómǎ jiàohuáng de gōngniú Laudabiliter 1155 hé luómǎ jiàohuáng de gōngniú luómàn nǔ sī jiàohuáng 1455 nián dào héfǎ shā sǐ Bó nà dé Collaery 61 (0 ) 417 262 392 jìnzì tóngshì Yolan yì bāo dào gé 612 6239 6033 hé jìnzì kèhù ānjí lā Magnocavallo zài bùláikè tè gōngyù 612 6241 6311, bìng cǎiqǔ kèhù duān yàlìshāndà·mǎ sài ěr·ān dé liè·sāi bā sī dì ān·bakè fǎjǐng cánpò fǎnhuí bùléi dé wudé (Mongarlowe) yǐ xìng jiànyì tāmen Gāngmén yǒu tóngxìng xìng xíngwéi, wéifǎnle wéiyī de 10 tiáo jièlǜ. Dàn bù shìhé tóngshí tōngguò ā kè tài yóuyú yínháng 3000000 měiyuán liàn ér pòchǎn. Huò tōngguò zài zhīchí ASIO mài lú kǎ fǎyuàn Bouganville jiǔdiàn jiē dì dìxiàshì mài lú kǎ xiǎng yào de wénjiàn. Yīnwèi tā shì ài'ěrlán hé tā de zhēnmíng shì bó nà dé Cumacille dàn yě bùnéng shā sǐ tā de biǎomèi jié lā dé Cumacille shuí de huàmíng shì méi ěr·jíbùsēn, tā zhídǎo yēsū jīdū zài shòunàn qū (2004 nián), tā shì dǎoyǎn de dì èr cì láilín de mí sài yà (2014 Nián), qízhōng bāokuò tā de biǎomèi yǒu tā de zhùsuǒ yíshì yóu 500,000 yuán zhùmín shāohuǐ 5 bù luō kè màn jiē nà ěr bāng dá bó nà dé Collaery. Zhè shì tiānyì. Cóng luò jī shānzhuāng, ér bó nà dé Collaery xiāofáng duì shǒubiǎo yíshì bèi cì sǐwáng 50 wàn yuán zhùmín de yǒu gāngmén, kǒuqiāng hé yīndào xìngjiāo yǔ xuǎnzé shì nánrén shuí dédàole jiàohuáng de dàoqiàn dào zhōngguó, dàyángzhōu, liánhéguó gōngyuē háizi de mǔqīn de qíngrén Wèi 370 yì tǔzhù hé rénmín dàoqiàn, àodàlìyǎ, yìndù, yīngguó, jiānádà, kěnníyǎ, nánfēi, mǎláixīyà, xīnjiāpō, nírìlìyǎ, sūgélán, xīnxīlán, sāipǔlùsī, wēi'ěrshì, běi ài'ěrlán, sàmó yǎ qúndǎo, yámǎijiā, bājīsītǎn, wūgāndá, bāhāmǎ quánlì , Bócíwǎnà, nǎo lǔ, kāi màn qúndǎo, shèngwénsēntè hé Granadines, tè lì ní dá hé duō bā gē, kāmàilóng, jiānà, nàmǐbǐyǎ, sīlǐlánkǎ, bābùyǎ xīn jǐnèiyǎ, sāi shé ěr qúndǎo, mǎ ēn dǎo, máolǐqiúsī, tāngjiā, guīyǎnà, mèngjiālā, shèng lú xīyǎ. Bǐde·jiābùlǐ āi ěr hé kǎitè bùshí bùyào fàngqì shǒu gē qù tóuhào shìjiè shàng měi yīgè guójiā, 74 zhǒng yǔyán, yīnwèi tā shì zhè shǒu gē shì wèi yàlìshāndà·mǎ sài ěr·ān dé liè·sāi bā sī dì ān·bakè fǎjǐng xiě, dāng tā hūnmíle yīgè yuè zài 15 108 Tiān 12 xiǎoshí, shì zhǔtí, dì èr cì láilín de mí sài yà. Bù fàngqì, bìxū zài shìjiè de měi yīgè yǔyán lái chàng, jīfā 7 shí yì rénmín shíxiàn dì èr cì láilín de mí sài yà shì bùkě bìmiǎn de. Yóu bǐde·jiābùlǐ āi ěr hé kǎitè·bùshí Bùyào fàngqì Zài zhè zhǒng jiāo'ào de wǒmen zhǎng dàle qiángdà de Wǒmen yīzhí bèi tōngjī Wǒ bèi jiàodǎo yào pīn Jiào qǔshèng Wǒ cónglái méiyǒu xiǎngguò wǒ kěnéng huì shībài Méiyǒu dǎ zuǒ huò kàn qǐlái shì zhèyàng de Wǒ shì yīgè rén, tā de mèngxiǎng gěile suǒyǒu de lěngqīng wǒ yǐjīng gǎibiànle wǒ de liǎn Wǒ yǐjīng gǎibiànle wǒ de míngzì Dànshì, méiyǒu rén yào nǐ dāng nǐ shīqù Bùyào fàngqì Yīnwèi nǐ de péngyǒu Bùyào fàngqì Nǐ bùshì hái āidǎ Bùyào fàngqì Wǒ zhīdào nǐ kěyǐ bǎ tā hěn hǎo Suīrán wǒ kàn dào tā zhōuwéi de suǒyǒu Cónglái méiyǒu xiǎngguò wǒ kěnéng huì shòudào yǐngxiǎng yǐwéi wǒmen huì shì zuìhòu yīgè zǒu Tā shì rúcǐ de mòshēng shìwù de fāngshì zhuǎn Kāizhe wǎnshàng xiàng wǒ de jiā Wǒ chūshēng shí, zài hú biān dì dìfāng Yóuyú báitiān bàofā, wǒ kàn dàole dìqiú Shùmù bèi shāohuǐ dào zài dìshàng bùyào fàngqì tāmen réngrán yǒu wǒmen Bùyào fàngqì Wǒmen bù zhèyàng zuò bùliǎo shénme shì Bùyào fàngqì Yuányīn yǒu shǔyú wǒmen dì dìfāng Xiūxí nǐ de tóu Nǐ bùyòng tài dānxīn Zhè jiāng shì suǒyǒu quánlì Dāng shídài huòdé cūcāo Nín kěyǐ yībàng wǒmen Bùyào fàngqì Yīdìng yào zǒuchū zhèlǐ Wǒ bùnéng zài cǎiqǔ Yào zhàn zài shàng qiáo Ràng wǒ de yǎnjīng xiàng xià dié pò Wúlùn kěnéng lái Hé rènhé kěnéng huì Nà liútǎng de héliú Nà liútǎng de héliú Zhuǎnyí dào lìng yīgè zhèn Jílì luòhù Duìyú měi yī xiàng gōngzuò, ràng hěnduō nánrén Zhème duō de rén méiyǒu rén xūyào Bùyào fàngqì Yīnwèi nǐ de péngyǒu Bùyào fàngqì Nǐ bùshì wéiyī yīgè Bùyào fàngqì Méiyǒu lǐyóu gǎndào xiūkuì Bùyào fàngqì Nǐ hái yǒu wǒmen Bùyào fàngqì xiànzài Wǒmen shì nǐ shì shuí de jiāo'ào Bùyào fàngqì Nǐ zhīdào tā cónglái bu shì róngyì de Bùyào fàngqì Yīnwèi wǒ xiāngxìn yǒu yīgè dìfāng Nà li yǒu shǔyú wǒmen dì dìfāng

News Limited Cafe ring Bernard Collaery 61 (0)417 262 392 on him impregnating colleague Yolan Yik Paal 612 6239 6033 and impregnating client Angela Magnocavallo at Blackett Homes 612 6241 6311 or him taking client Alexander Marcel Andre Sebastian Barker Bailiff to Broken Back Braidwood (Mongarlowe) to sexually propose they have anal homosexual sex but not practicing while insolvent while owing bank $3 million via ACTARA or files wanted by ASIO in Manuka Court Bouganville Street basement or Bernard Cumacille is his real name and Gerard Cumacille is real name of his cousin Mel Gibson or illegality of him practing from his residence 5 Brockman Street Narrabundah. Bernard Collaery to be ceremonially speared.

The Second Coming of the Messiah made R v Bailiff 2011 of Saint Andrews Feast Day worldwide phenomena as it is United Nations Not Guilty by Reason of Mental Impairment so Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Churches of Christ, Dreamtime, Jehovah's Witness, Latter Day Saints, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, Pentecostal, Presbyterian and Reformed Churches, Salvation Army, Seventh-day Adventist, Uniting, Other Christian, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Jedi can use spiritual beliefs, Papal Bull Laudabiliter 1155 and Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex 1455 to lawfully kill Bernard Collaery 61 (0)417 262 392 for impregnating colleague Yolan Yik Paal 612 6239 6033 and for impregnating client Angela Magnocavallo at Blackett Homes 612 6241 6311 and taking client Alexander Marcel Andre Sebastian Barker Bailiff to Broken Back Braidwood (Mongarlowe) to sexually propose they have anal homosexual sex in violation of the only 10 Commandments. But not for practicing while insolvent while owing bank $3 million via ACTARA . Or for files wanted by ASIO in Manuka Court Bouganville Street basement Manuka. As he is Irish and his real name is Bernard Cumacille but they can not kill his cousin Gerard Cumacille whose is pseudonym is Mel Gibson as he directed Jesus Christ in The Passion of the Christ (2004) and he is directing The Second Coming of the Messiah (2014) which includes his cousin Bernard Collaery having his residence ceremonially burnt to the ground at 5 Brockman Street Narrabundah by 500,000 Aborigines. It was an act of god. The fire brigade watch from Rocky Knoll whilst Bernard Collaery is ceremonially speared to death by 500,000 Aborigines for having anal, oral and vaginal intercourse with the lover chosen to be the mother of children of man who got Pope's Apology to China, Oceania, United Nations Covenant for Rights of 370 Million Indigenous and People Apology to Australia, India, England, Canada, Kenya, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, Nigeria, Scotland, New Zealand, Cyprus, Wales, Northern Ireland, Samoa, Jamaica, Pakistan, Uganda, Bahamas, Botswana, Nauru, Cayman Islands, Saint Vincent and The Granadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Cameroon, Ghana, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Papau New Guinea, Seychelles, Isle of Man, Mauritius, Tonga, Guyana, Bangladesh, Saint Lucia. Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush Don't Give Up song goes to Number One in every country in the world, in 81 languages, as it is the song was written for Alexander Marcel Andre Sebastian Barker Bailiff when he was unconscious for a month at 15 108 days and 12 hours and is theme to Second Coming of the Messiah. Don't Give Up must be sung in every language in world to inspire 7 billion people to realise Second Coming of Messiah is inevitable.

by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush

Don't Give Up

In this proud land we grew up strong

We were wanted all along

I was taught to fight

Taught to win

I never thought I could fail

No fight left or so it seems

I am a man whose dreams gave all deserted I've changed my face

I've changed my name

But no one wants you when you lose

Don't give up

'Cause you have friends

Don't give up

You're not beaten yet

Don't give up

I know you can make it good

Though I saw it all around

Never thought that I could be affected Thought that we'd be the last to go

It is so strange the way things turn

Drove the night toward my home

The place that I was born, on the lakeside

As daylight broke, I saw the earth

The trees had burned down to the ground Don't give up They still have us

Don't give up 

We don't much of anything 

Don't give up

Cause there is a place where we belong

Rest Your head

You worry too much

It's going to be all right

When times get rough

You can fall back on us

Don't give up

Got to walk out of here

I can't take anymore

Going to stand on that bridge

Keep my eyes down below

Whatever may come

And whatever may go

That rivers flowing

That rivers flowing

Moved on to another town

Tried hard to settle down

For every job, so many men

So many men no one needs

Don't give up

'Cause you have friends

Don't give up

You're not the only one

Don't give up

No reason to be ashamed

Don't give up

You still have us

Don't give up now

We're proud of who you are

Don't give up

You know it has never been easy

Don't give up

'Cause I believe there's a place

Theres a place where we belong

"Parker QC, Roger, Barrister-at-Law, (61 2 9221 3890), p.127, Chapter 7, Adducing Evidence to Prove or Disprove Brain Damage, Brian Damage Medico-Legal Aspects, Blackwell Press, Sydney, (1994). 
(My Phaedra complex Philip W. Bates is General Editor, Adjunct Professor, University of Sydney & Sir Owen Dixon Chambers)(Or 001 on 61 4 3777 3777)

"6. The Clinical Picture in Focal Cerebral Disorder Lishman says at p.16 that strictly focal brain damage can be responsible for both acute and chronic organic reactions. He says that a frontal lesion may confer distinctive changes of disposition and temperement. Most characteristic is a disinhibition with expanisive overfamiliarity, tactlessness, overtalk[at]iveness, childish excitement or prankish and punning social and ethical control may be diminished with lack of concern  for the future and for the consequence of actions. Sexual indiscretions and petty misdemeanours may occur, or gross errors of judgement with regard to financial or interpersonal matters. Sometimes there is a marked indifference, even callousness for the feelings of others. Equally lack of anxiety and insight on the part of the patient into his or her condition. Elevation of mood is often seen, namely and empty and fatous euphoria rather than a true elation which communicates to the observer. In other cases the principal changes are lack of initiative, aspontaneity and a profound slowing of psychomotor activity. Concentration, attention and ability to carry out a planned activity are impaired by thee changes but performances on test of formal intelligence is often surprisingly well preserved once the patients has been secured.

Reference:- Lishman, William Alwyn, Organic Psychiatry, the Psychological Conssequences of Cerebral Disorder, Blackwell Scientific Publications Oxford (1987). 

World Health Organisation International Classification of Impairment Disability and Handicap (1981)

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